Sunday, September 28, 2014

Life of Willie

Ball is life; Life is ball

You see that jump and shot

I hear my shoes squeaking loudly

Never stop working, strive for greatness

If your on time, you're late

School. Homework. Basketball. Eat. Sleep. Dream.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Crucible

John Proctor is definitely not a hero in the “Crucible”. John Proctor turned against his religion and committed adultery with Abigail Williams. John Proctor decided to not follow a “Christian” lifestyle which led to the jealousy of his mistress, Abigail Williams's, of his wife, Elizabeth Proctor. Abigail took advantage of the situation and accused John Proctor of devil worshiping. Abigail’s vindictive attitude was only out of spite due to being shunned for having an affair with John Proctor. Unfortunately by the time John Proctor confessed his affair publicly the rumor of him being a witch was already spreading, which lead to losing his proud and squeaky clean reputation. John Proctor was so concerned about what others thought of him after they knew about his affair with Abigail Williams that he did not consider the consequences he may suffer due to his Christian views. John Proctor is not a hero in my eyes because as a Christian I would not think to commit a sin that would not only embarrassed me but also my family. As John Proctor, an individual who was admired, a role model, and the head of his household, he should have known better to not live an ungodly life.

Monday, September 15, 2014

"Arrivals..There Goes The Neighborhood."

During the late 1400's, Christopher Columbus and the explorers were on a search for gold.  Christopher and the explorers presented gifts to ease the natives from there abrupt arrival to the America's. Christopher Columbus and the explorers attitude at first was very hostile which made the natives afraid. The natives fled because they assumed they were going to be killed. Thereafter, Christopher Columbus and the explorer’s attitude changed in a positive way once they and the indigenous peoples interacted together. The natives upheld a high standard of moral and religious belief system that in acting on those standards, they were receptive to the foreigners. In the end Christopher Columbus and the explorers were outright racist to the natives and disrespected the land of where they claimed as home. Christopher Columbus and the explorers defined there discovery of the natives home as their own.

In my opinion, I am against the colonization of the America's. Christopher Columbus and the explorers were deceptive by giving gifts upon their arrival but the ultimate goal was to take what the natives own and get rid of them. This was outright genocide for the natives. Christopher Columbus and the explorers even claimed to be the first to discover the America's, but the natives were there first? The natives is constituted as a lost generation due to colonization that I would classify this as genocide.  I can relate to the native colonization this to the massive gentrification happening in Chicago's historic neighborhoods that were deemed notoriously as dangerous. As I commute to AAU practice and games I notice areas such as Pilsen, Humboldt Park, and Bronzeville now are diversified with various cultures, college students, and work-middle class families. In my opinion it is a great contribution in developing areas that were once deprived however, previous people living and growing up in those neighborhoods are pushed out just as the Columbus and the explorers treated the natives.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

     Hi, my name is Willie Herenton! I am 16 years old and a sophomore at Whitney Young High School.In addition to attending the school, I play basketball for Whitney Young and also an AAU basketball team called Meanstreets. I'm a fairly easy going kid, social, studious, and punctual. Although, there are several things about myself and my family that make us unique, but I like to think of myself as a normal kid. For instance, my favorite color is blue, my favorite food is pizza, and my favorite show is the Martin show. By the way, I am also an excellent swimmer like most. I have two brothers, Rodney and Samuel. Rodney is 17 years old and a junior at Whitney Young High School, and he plays basketball for Whitney Young and Meanstreets as well. Samuel is 13 years old and is in eighth grade at Ogden International Elementary School where he runs track. I hope to have the opportunity to follow in parents footsteps who both attended Harvard University. My mom studied electrical engineering and my dad is now an investment banker. My grandfather, who I am named after, was the mayor of Memphis for 18 years. He was also a 5 time golden glove boxing champion in high school.

Well, that is a little history about myself and my family. I look forward to hearing about your family in the days to come.