Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian Blog

     The Novel " The True Diary of a Part Time Indian" talks about a 14 year old boy named Junior, who desperately tries to break his families cycle of poverty, alcoholism, and hopelessness. He transfers to Reardan High school, where the only other Native American is the mascot. He was branded as a traitor on the reservation and treated as a pariah at his new school, he copes by drawing cartoons and comics and fantasizing about a brighter future. Junior throughout the whole Novel refused to give up, and as he perseveres through every trauma he finds that there may be more to the world than the divide he's always known.

     The rez that Junior lived on is kind of similar to the South Side of Chicago in a sense. People on the South Side are typically poorer than people that live in other areas and people don't have as much money as most people that work and live downtown. Also there are more gangs, violence, and people that drink and smoke on the south which is similar to the reservation that Junior lived on. Lasty, the south side of Chicago is similar to the reservation because most people are raised to live the life that they live, such as being violent, poor, and doing drugs and alcohol, and they have little opportunity to change their lifestyle.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Native Son Response

Of all the white characters in the novel, Max is able to see and understand Bigger most clearly.He speaks to Bigger as a human being, rather than simply as a black man or a murderer,which gives Bigger the chance to tell his own story for the first time in his life. Max's recognition of Bigger's humanity allows Bigger to understand for the first time that a sympathetic relationship between a whits man and a black man is possible. But at the same time, Max is unable to avoid viewing Bigger as a symbol of racial oppression and is never able to understand him clearly. I think the relationship between these two characters changed both of their lives.

Friday, January 23, 2015

The Road blog

Regardless of the circumstance, I think that i would be able to stick to my belief in God and to have faith that he can guide me through any circumstance no matter how good or bad that it might be. I am a very nice and giving person so i would be nice to people and not harm them and i will forgive them for whatever they do. But at the same time i feel that I should take care of myself first because if you care about people too much it can put you in terrible situations and can harm you dramatically so you have to be very careful. Lastly i will never eat anybody even if I am starving to death and I will would never kill myself either. These are the principles that i will go by regardless of any circumstance.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Janie Blog

Janie Crawford is a very young and pretty woman of mixed white and black heritage. Janie is the result of a poor, black girl being raped by an unnamed school teacher, and being raised by her tough old grandmother whose views were shaped by the tramative Civil War. Her sensuality and attractiveness makes her a target for men of all ages. Because of this, she experiences three different marriages, which all teach her three different aspects of love. From Logan Killicks she learns about marriage, from her relationship with Joe Starks she learns about integrity, and from Tea Cake, she learns about love but most importantly about happiness. I can learn so much from Janie Crawford. she taught me that life is full of challenges and learning experiences and everybody is going to go through tough situations in life, but those situations that we go through only makes us stronger and better people.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving blog

I am very thankful for 3 of my classmates.  The first person that I am thankful for is kobe. Ive known him for about 2 years and he was the only person that I knew in english class at the beginning of the year. He is very funny and kind and he always helps me out when I need it and I help him out when he needs it. I am also thankful for Liam and Jonathan. We always do group work together and they always have answers to all of Mr. McCarthy's questions. Their ability to keep a discussion makes the class very interesting which sometimes develops a debate in class. I am so thankful for all of you guys.

Saturday, October 25, 2014


     Ernest Hemingway was a fascinating, amazing, and very inspiring man who lived an interesting life. He achieved Nobel and Pulitzer prizes, worldwide respect, and sold over a million books in his nearly 62 year life. In my opinion, Hemingway's character and life was just as fascinating as any of his writings. Hemingway may have left the world sooner than he was supposed to, but he left everyone with something to remember him by. If you simply open the cover of any one of his books, you will become completely immersed in the world as Hemingway saw it. One of my favorite quotes from Hemingway is " Every man's life ends the same way. It is only the details of how he lived and how he died that distinguishes on man from another." In my opinion, through illness, accidents, and natural disasters, the world tried to destroy Ernest Hemingway, and maybe it did to an extent. But in the end, the only person who could actually destroy Hemingway was himself

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Life of Willie

Ball is life; Life is ball

You see that jump and shot

I hear my shoes squeaking loudly

Never stop working, strive for greatness

If your on time, you're late

School. Homework. Basketball. Eat. Sleep. Dream.